St. Columba’s School is glad to bring to your attention that we will be hosting The Columban Fest for the year 2023-2024, on the 6th and 7th of October. The Columban Fest is an annual inter-school event that has been held consistently for the last 21 years and is one of the most-awaited fixtures of the year.

In light of our recent success with the last offline Columban Fest in 2022, which witnessed the participation of over 600 enthusiastic individuals. We are anticipating a similar number this year as well.

We are glad to inform you that we are back with this year’s edition. Over the years, The Columban Fest has provided an extraordinary platform for the students to showcase and discover their talents in front of large audiences.

Such a competition enables students to transcend all boundaries of their hesitations and inhibitions and communicate more effectively with the world around them. It gives us immense honour and pleasure to extend this invitation to your school and to grace us with your presence. We eagerly await your active participation. Please find attached below the various guidelines and criteria for participation in the various events. Kindly confirm your school’s participation by the 29th of September.

The Columban Fest, our school's annual inter-school event for the past 21 years, is a highly awaited competition in the Delhi School circuit. It offers students a remarkable platform to showcase their talents in front of large audiences. Our theme for this year's fest was"Retro 80s and 90s," and trust me, you'll be thunderstruck by the level of creativity and talent that our students have unleashed.

This year, the events include, Concordium- Press Conference, Conflux- Mock Stock, Cadence- Singing and Band Competition, Footloose- Dance Competition, Cuisinalia- Cooking Competition, Untitled - Logo Designing, Columban Feud, Effervescence- The Columban Jeopardy, Trishna Act and Art. These competitions enabled students to transcend all boundaries of their hesitations and communicate more effectively with the world around them.

Everyone immersed themselves in the magic of the Inter Columban Fest 2023, where talent shined, creativity thrived, and memories were created. This fest was a celebration of excellence, camaraderie, and the joy of pursuing our passions. Remember, as Audrey Hepburn once said, "The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy—it's all that matters."

Teacher in charge -Mrs. V.Chauhan
Columban Fest Core team 2023

Contact US
Hrithik Keshwani
Mrs Vijayata Chauhan
Pranav Arora